March 28, 2024Comments are off for this post.

A Moment of Pause: Embracing Change and Reflection

I’ve got some news to share about Something New, and it feels like a moment of reflection, change, and looking forward. Last Thursday, I shared this with my subscribers, my "suite," and now it’s time to bring all of you into the loop on what’s ahead.

Practicing What We Preach

Starting April 1, we’re hitting the pause button on Something New, pausing all our coaching, workshops—basically, everything we’ve been doing. Making this decision was tough, but essential. It’s about taking my own advice—the kind we talk about in our sessions. Life's opportunities are calling for more of my presence at home and it’s crucial to take this step back to ensure we’re heading in a meaningful direction. I am grateful that I have the flexibility to step up in this way, like never before!

Shifting Priorities

During this pause, I’m zeroing in on two big priorities. Being more of a soccer mom (I am halfway joking, those of you who know me, know that I cringe at the idea of driving around town in a minivan) but it's my time to make more dinners, do more of the tucking into bed, — this is a shift for a recovering self-proclaimed workaholic, and with the ages of my littles, this is crucial time in their lives for me to make memories. It’s also a reminder of how important it is to be there for the ones you love, especially when they need you most. At the same time, I’m all in on getting Collective Spaces, our event spot, through a big renovation. This project is a labor of love, and I’m committed to seeing it through.

Reflection for Innovation

This isn’t just a break; it’s an opportunity for deep reflection on the future of Something New. The world around us is constantly evolving, and so are the needs of our community. This time away is about ensuring that when we return, we’re not just on track but setting the pace. We’re gearing up to come back with a clearer vision and innovative plans to serve you better.

Coming Back Stronger

We plan to be back in action by summer/fall, and you’ll be the first to hear about our next steps (maybe the second, my subscribers will always find out first... or be the only to know!). This pause is a testament to the necessity of sometimes stepping back to leap forward. It’s a decision made with gratitude for the space to reflect on what truly matters—for me, for my family, and for Something New.

A Heartfelt Thank You

Your support and understanding during this period are more precious than ever. This isn’t a goodbye but a short break to regroup and come back stronger. I’m looking forward to sharing the insights and renewed energy I’ll have on our return. Feel free to reach out; hearing from you always brightens my day.

Thanks for walking this path with me. Your patience and flexibility right now are incredible, and I can’t wait to embark on the next leg of our journey together with fresh perspectives and a strengthened vision.

Take care until then,


March 14, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Navigating My Executive Coaching Journey

Insights from My Path

Join me on the executive coaching journey, where we'll explore a rich tapestry of experiences, values, and growth. As an entrepreneur, executive coach, and project manager, my approach combines academic rigor with practical expertise.

My academic journey includes an MBA from Carey Business School at Johns Hopkins, a B.S. from Smeal College of Business at Penn State University, and a Leadership Coaching certificate from American University. These credentials underpin my ability to guide others effectively.

Beyond academia, my upbringing shaped by Haitian discipline and Christian values deeply influences my coaching philosophy. These principles imbue me with empathy, compassion, and purpose, guiding my interactions with clients.

Raised as an older millennial by baby boomers, I bring a unique perspective that bridges generations. Drawing from this experience, I understand the intricacies of navigating both traditional and modern work cultures, fostering relatability in my coaching approach.

Continuously seeking work-life harmony, I help clients find balance amidst their busy lives. This journey, shaped by personal experiences, emphasizes the importance of holistic well-being and meaningful integration. It's a pursuit I'm deeply committed to, driving my coaching practice forward.

In the realm of executive coaching, authenticity, empathy, and growth define my journey. Let's embrace wisdom, navigate complexities, and uncover opportunities together. Through coaching, we'll foster enduring fulfillment, bridging generational divides and nurturing growth for all.

To learn more about my professional background, check out my LinkedIn Profile:

February 29, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Understanding Coaching, Consulting, Mentoring, and Therapy Differences

Let's dive into a topic that's close to my heart: understanding the nuances between coaching, consulting, mentoring, and therapy. As someone deeply entrenched in the world of personal and professional development, I've come to appreciate the unique roles these approaches play in helping individuals and organizations thrive. So, let's break it down together!


Coaching is all about empowering individuals or teams to reach their full potential and achieve their goals. It's a collaborative journey where I guide my clients through self-discovery, challenge their assumptions, and hold them accountable for taking action. With coaching, it's all about setting clear objectives and working together to make them a reality.

Key Characteristics of Coaching:

  • It's goal-oriented, focusing on specific objectives.
  • The client takes the lead, driving the direction of our sessions.
  • I ask thought-provoking questions to spark insight and growth.
  • We're all about action, creating tangible plans to move forward.
  • Coaching is a short-term commitment with measurable results.


Consulting, on the other hand, taps into my expertise to address specific challenges or opportunities within a business or individual's domain. Whether it's strategic planning, process improvement, or market analysis, my role as a consultant is to provide targeted solutions and guidance based on my years of experience in the field.

Key Characteristics of Consulting:

  • I bring specialized knowledge and skills to the table.
  • It's all about problem-solving and driving results.
  • As an outsider, I offer a fresh perspective on issues.
  • Consulting engagements are project-based with clear deliverables.
  • I work closely with clients to ensure successful implementation.


Mentoring holds a special place in my heart because it's all about paying it forward. I love sharing my experiences, insights, and lessons learned to help others navigate their own journeys. With mentoring, it's not just about professional development; it's about fostering meaningful relationships and supporting each other's growth.

Key Characteristics of Mentoring:

  • It's all about building long-term, supportive relationships.
  • I focus on developing my mentees' skills and confidence over time.
  • By sharing my own experiences, I aim to inspire and guide.
  • Mentoring is informal yet incredibly impactful.
  • It's a two-way street where both mentor and mentee learn and grow.


Last but certainly not least, let's talk about therapy. While it's not my area of expertise, I recognize the importance of mental health and well-being in both personal and professional success. Therapy provides a safe space for individuals to explore their emotions, overcome challenges, and build resilience—a crucial aspect of holistic growth.

Key Characteristics of Therapy:

  • Therapists are trained professionals specializing in mental health.
  • It's focused on addressing specific psychological issues and promoting healing.
  • Therapy offers emotional support and evidence-based interventions.
  • Confidentiality is paramount, creating a safe environment for clients.
  • It's a vital resource for anyone facing mental health challenges.


So, there you have it—coaching, consulting, mentoring, and therapy each play distinct yet complementary roles in personal and professional development. Whether you're striving for business success, seeking guidance on your career path, or prioritizing your mental health, there's a pathway that aligns with your needs and aspirations. Remember, it's all about finding the right support system to help you thrive!

Keep shining bright, my friends!

February 15, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Discovering Your Life’s Purpose: A Journey Within

Embarking on the quest to find your life's purpose is a deeply personal and profound endeavor. I believe the journey holds the key to unlocking true fulfillment and meaning in our lives. Let's explore how you can begin this transformative trek of self-discovery.

Embrace Self-Exploration

The first step in uncovering your purpose is to delve into self-exploration. Take time to reflect on what truly ignites your passion and brings you joy. What activities make your heart sing and your spirit soar? These are often the clues that lead us to our purpose, guiding us towards a path that resonates with our innermost selves.

Listen to Your Inner Voice

In the midst of our busy lives, it's easy to ignore the whispers of our inner voice. However, it's within these whispers that our purpose often lies. I encourage you to cultivate mindfulness and introspection, allowing yourself to tune into the wisdom within. Pay attention to the recurring thoughts, dreams, and desires that stir your soul—they may contain answers you are looking for.

Seek Inspiration from Others

You don't have to embark on this journey alone. Seek inspiration from others who have walked similar paths. Engage in meaningful conversations, read books, attend workshops, and seek guidance from mentors who can offer valuable insights and perspectives. Their experiences can shed light on your own journey and provide clarity on your purpose.

Embrace Growth and Adaptation

As you journey through self-discovery, remain receptive to growth and adaptation. Your purpose is not static; it evolves over time, shaped by new experiences, challenges, and insights. Embrace these changes as opportunities for personal growth and self-realization, trusting that each step forward brings you closer to unveiling your true purpose.

At times, you may feel a strong pull to revert to old habits, particularly when faced with challenges and uncertainties. Yet, it's precisely during these moments that staying faithful to your purpose is paramount. Reflect on the progress you've made and the positive transformations embracing your purpose has brought into your life. Seek solace in your support network, extend yourself compassion, and reaffirm your dedication to living authentically.

By acknowledging the allure of old ways and consciously choosing to remain aligned with your purpose, you empower yourself to overcome these challenges and continue progressing on your journey of self-discovery.

Take Action and Make a Difference

Ultimately, your purpose is not just about self-discovery—it's about making a meaningful impact in the world. Once you've identified your purpose, take inspired action to live it out each day. Whether it's through your career, hobbies, or relationships, infuse your life with purpose and meaning, knowing that you have the power to create positive change in the world.


Discovering your life's purpose is a journey of self-discovery—a journey that requires courage, introspection, and an unwavering commitment to authenticity. By embracing self-exploration, listening to your inner voice, seeking inspiration from others, and embracing growth, you can uncover the unique purpose that lies within you. So, I encourage you to embark on this journey with an open heart and mind, knowing that the path to purpose is as enriching as the destination itself.

January 30, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Guiding Lights: Unveiling Values for Decisions That Resonate

Life's journey is a maze, and understanding your core values is like having a trusty compass guiding you through its twists and turns. Whether you're making personal choices or navigating the complexities of the workplace, knowing your values can empower you to make decisions that align with your true self.

Discovering Your Values

Start by taking a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you. Think about moments of pure joy, times when your passion ignited, and principles that have always struck a chord with you. These are the foundations of your values. Once you've identified them, distill them into a few key words or phrases, unveiling the guiding lights that will shape your decisions.

To solidify these values, consider validating them with close family and friends, as well as trusted advisors. Engage in open conversations about what matters most to you and seek their perspectives. This external validation can provide valuable insights and reinforce the authenticity of your values.

The Power of Purposeful Decision-Making

In your personal life, your values become the compass that leads you to choices reflecting your authentic self. When faced with decisions, ask yourself: Does this resonate with my values? Will it contribute to my overall well-being and happiness? By grounding your decisions in your values, you're building a life that feels genuine and fulfilling.

Values in the Professional Arena

As someone deeply involved in executive coaching and business consulting, you understand the significance of aligning personal values with those of the organizations your clients engage with. Encourage them to seek workplaces that share their core principles, fostering a sense of purpose and satisfaction in their professional journey.

Integrating Values into Decision-Making

  1. Define Your Values Clearly: Articulate your values clearly, making them the bedrock of your decision-making.
  2. Prioritize: When faced with choices, prioritize decisions that resonate with your top values.
  3. Stay True to Yourself: Whether in personal or professional realms, stay authentic to your values, even when faced with challenges.
  4. Regular Reflection: Periodically revisit and reassess your values as you grow, ensuring they continue to reflect who you are.

In Conclusion

Your values serve as the silent architects of a purposeful life. By consciously integrating them into your decision-making, you not only navigate life's complexities but also construct a life and career that authentically mirrors your true self. So, unveil those guiding lights, and let them illuminate your path towards a more fulfilling and authentic existence.